Where should the manufacturer set the inventory level? The manufacturer would like to establish inventory level such there is only 5 percent chance of running out of stock.

(Ronald E Walpole, Raymond h Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Staistika untuk Insinyur dan Ilmuwan., Edisi Keempat, Penerbit ITB bandung., halaman 177, nomor 2) soal jawab distribusi normal – no 4 Cari nilai z bila luas dibawah kurva normal baku,.(Ronald E Walpole, Raymond h Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Staistika untuk Insinyur dan Ilmuwan., Edisi Keempat, Penerbit ITB bandung., halaman 177, nomor 1) soal jawab distribusi normal – no 3 Diketahui suatu distribusi normal baku, carilah luas di bawah kurva normal yang terletak.(Lind, Marchal, Wathen., Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics., Mc Graw Hill, fourteent Edition.,, number 11) soal jawab distribusi normal – no 2

Compute the z values for both Rob and rachel and comment on your findings The mean salary of engineers with less than 5 years experience is $ 60,000 with standard deviation of % 5,000.

Rachel works in the retail industry, where the mean salary of executives with less than 5 years experience is $ 35,000 with standard deviation of $ 8,000.

Both Rob and Rachel graduated from college 2 years ago, and each now earning $ 50,000 per year. The kamp family has twins, Rob and Rachel.(Lind, Marchal, Wathen., Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics., Mc Graw Hill, fourteent Edition.,, number 9) jawab distribusi normal – no 1 The mean of a normal probability distribustion is 500, the standard deviation is 10Ī) About 68 % of obeservation lie between what two valuesī) About 95 pescent of the observation lie between what two values?Ĭ) Practically all of the obeservations lie between what two values?.